Presentation Instructions
If you are a presenting author, please read the following the information regarding how to prepare for your presentation.
Please follow the steps described below. Failure to follow the format may affect the presentation of your work. Please note that on the instructions below, the field [*NUMBER*] should be replaced by your contribution number (OpenReview ID). Contributed Oral Presentations If you have an oral presentation, please remember that the allotted time for your talk is 15 minutes, including questions. Although there is flexibility, we suggest you plan on a presentation of 12 minutes and leave 3 minutes for questions. In order to avoid technical issues and for timing efficiency, we ask you to have your presentation also in PDF format in case your source format does not work at the time of the presentation. Authors will be able to connect their computers to the projector. We will provide HDMI cable. We do not expect to have a general computer, so if you do not have your own laptop please contact the organisers at [email protected]. Lightning Presentations If your contribution is a lightning presentation, remember that the allotted time for presentation is 6 minutes, and there is no time for questions. To avoid delays, please bring your presentation and understand that the 6 minutes is very strict. The chair of the conference will stop you after 6 minutes. Presentations will be all preloaded in a computer provided by the chair of the lightning session, so please ensure you have the presentation in PDF format also and in PPT (PDF is recommended due to the variety of computer systems available). We will not have time for people to use their own computers. We hence request you to send your presentation to [email protected] prior to your arrival in Exeter. Please see deadline below Please follow the instructions below: [1] Create a .PDF (preferred) and a PPT of your presentation and name it Presentation[*NUMBER*].pdf or [*NUMBER*].ppt (.pptx is also acceptable) [2] Send your file to the conference chairs at [email protected] by April 12, 2024 (10 days before the conference)
Poster Presentations If you are presenting a poster, you should print your poster before arriving in Exeter. We will not have facilities to print posters on site. The poster boards will be prepared, and we'll provide pins and the space for the poster. The boards will have your submission [*NUMBER*] on top, so make sure you remember your submission number and mount your poster appropriately. The poster session will be in parallel with a cocktail reception to ensure more participation. We recommend you stay next to your board, as people will be asked to vote for the best poster (a prize is for best poster is being planned, so work on your design and presentation). The posters should be prepared in size A1 portrait (59.4 x 84.1 cm). If you deviate from this size and instructions, we cannot ensure your poster will be displayed correctly. Contact information If you have any concerns or questions regarding the instructions above, please contact the organisers at [email protected]. Physical Connectivity Information
All presenters, except lightning talks, will have to present from their own notebooks. The computer in the room is not available for presentations. Your computer needs to have an HDMI or USB-C connector. If you don't have these you need to have an adaptor. Below is a picture of the connection cable in the room. You will be asked to use a label microphone. Please use it as we are planning to record the sessions. The recordings will not be published unless the speakers request it to be.
Wi Fi
The university Wifi is based on eduroam but we also have a guest wifi for people not on eduroam. The guest wifi needs to be renewed every 24 hours. More information about this can be found on this link. |