Instructions for camera-ready papers
These instructions apply only to accepted papers. If your contribution was an abstract, you should disregard these instructions and pay attention only to the presentation instructions that will available soon.
Format for the Camera-Ready The format should follow the Springer format (please visit Springer Nature website for more details).
Please follow the steps described below. Failure to follow the format may affect the publication of your work. Please note that on the instructions below, the field [*NUMBER*] should be replaced by your paper number. That is, Paper[*NUMBER*].pdf becomes Paper111.pdf if your paper number is 111. Instructions [1] Prepare your paper considering the comments received in the reviews.
[3] Send your .ZIP file to the following email address:
[4] Register your paper by the deadline. The registration site will be available early in January 2025. We are likely to have 2 registration sites due to the regulations in Brazil. One will be primarily for participants from Brazil. More information to follow. Contact information Please direct all questions regarding the submission and format of camera-ready papers to the Program Committee Chairs using the same email: [email protected] |